Need additional information about the game
40 Caida y Limpia by Juan Andres Arias?

You can do it from this page: my profile. Login using the same username/mail and password you have for the game.

You can reset your password using this page: forgot password. It will send you an email with a link to set your new password.

Check the spam folder. Remember that hotmail is now controlling the storage space in your account; if it is full you will not receive new emails and we don't have a way to let you know.

No, we have removed Facebook integration. Now you need to login using your username/email and password.

We no longer offer Facebook integration. You can search your friends using their username, and then add to the table.

Please contact us using the form below and indicate your username and email you used in our game 40 Caida y Limpia. We will then reply to your email to confirm this is a legitimate request and you own the account. After that we will proceed to delete all your information from our servers.


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